This is "Magic". He is the first dutch rabbit to ever earn a 'trick dog title' through the "Do More with Your Dog" program sponsored by Kyra Sundance. Magic learned 15 tricks to qualify for this title and performed them in front of a witness. His tricks included: Come, Spin Circles, Sit Pretty, Hop a ramp/balance beam, find hidden treats, roll out a carpet with his nose, touch a target stick, touch my hand, jump over a bar jump, jump through a hoop, paws up on my arm, paws up on object, & hop up on a pedastal.
He is just the sweetest, smartest, most willing little student, and also a great teacher. Rabbit training takes tremendous time and patience, and he has been just wonderful and patient with me as well!
I look forward to seeing if we can move on up to the Intermediate Level of tricks next. It will be fun to see exactly what he can learn! Stay tuned!
He is just the sweetest, smartest, most willing little student, and also a great teacher. Rabbit training takes tremendous time and patience, and he has been just wonderful and patient with me as well!
I look forward to seeing if we can move on up to the Intermediate Level of tricks next. It will be fun to see exactly what he can learn! Stay tuned!